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Current Landuse Map

The current land use information for each lot in the State of Johor.

Zoning Landuse Map

This map contains information on zoning and land use proposals, which have been set up based on development plans by districts in the State of Johor.

Administrative Boundary Map

Administrative Boundary Map for Districts, Mukim, Local Authority, State Legislative Assembly and Parliament in State of Johor

Health Facility Map

Health Facility Maps display health location information in the State of Johor.

Education Facility Map

Educational Facilities Maps displays educational location information in the State of Johor.

Map of Religious Facility

Map of Religious Facilities displaying religious location information in the State of Johor.

Map of Cemetery

Map of cemetery displays information on the location of Islamic cemetery, Chinese cemetery, Indian and Christian Cemetery in the State of Johor.

Public Utility Map

Public Amenities Maps display information on public facilities in the State of Johor

Recreation Map

Recreational Maps display location for various recreational facilities in the State of Johor.

PLAN Malaysia@Johor Module

This module presents a data layer for PLANMalaysia@Johor which contains current land use data, land use and charting information for planning permission application in the State of Johor.

Department of Environment Module

The module display locations for dams, underground water station, water stations, air stations river station and EIA report for 2009-2010.

Department of Irrigation and Drainage Module

The modules display location for the flood siren stations dan telemetry ststions in the State of Johor.

Department of Mineral and Geoscience Module

The modules display the location of the dam and the location of the quarry for the State of Johor.

Department of Health Module

The module displays the location of hospitals in the State of Johor.

Johor Religious Council Module

The Johor Religious Council module displays the location of the mosque in the state of Johor.

Departmental of Works Module

The Departmental of Works Module displays state and federal bridge location information, road signage, length and type of culvert and state and federal ‘Post’ in the state of Johor.

Malaysia Royal Police Module

The Malaysia Royal Police Module displays the information and location the police stationin state of Johor.

Department of Agriculture

This module displays the location of agricultural projects and training centers in the state of Johor.

Department of Education Module

The modul displays information on primary and secondary school locations in state of Johor.

Modul IRDA

Modul Pihak Berkuasa Wilayah Pembangunan Iskandar.

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